Posted on August 28, 2023
by AMWN Dev
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Primer Academia is Nashville’s only Spanish Immersion Preschool. They fill an important role in the childcare ecosystem. Studies show that when a second language is learned at an early age, children have increased levels of creativity, ability to solve problems, vocabulary, and stronger mathematical skills. Overall, learning a second language from infancy improves brain function. It also instills an innate appreciation for different cultures and a positive response towards the target language’s culture. Primer Academia is also an opportunity for heritage speakers to learn Spanish from birth outside of the home and be immersed in a world of Spanish language and culture.
Primer Academica has both native English and Spanish speaking students in each classroom. One hundred percent of our teachers are native Spanish speakers who are fully bilingual, and 20% of our families speak Spanish at home. Forty-five percent of foreign-born Nashvillians have their origins in Latin America, and it makes sense that there would be childcare opportunities that appeal directly to their needs. People who identify as Hispanic make up ten percent of Davidson County’s population currently, and that rate is increasing daily.
With the lack of quality childcare available in Tennessee, Primer Academia is an essential community resource, and investing in their growth and ability to serve more families is of the utmost importance. In 2019, 70% of Nashville parents said that their biggest childcare challenge was finding access to childcare opportunities. Parents wait months, and even years in some cases for child care spots to become available in Davidson County. What is more, almost half of all people in Tennessee “live in a child care desert — a census tract where there are more than 3 times as many children as licensed child care slots.” This is exacerbated by the lack of new childcare providers in contrast to the increasing number of children. Population growth is outpacing the number of childcare slots in an already overwhelmed system.
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